Platform Engineering

Session Architecture

Using Traffic Modeling to Load-Balance Netflix Traffic at Global Scale

Tuesday Jun 13 / 10:35AM EDT

Netflix Infrastructure supports personalized UI and Streaming experience across 230M+ members around the world.

Speaker image - Niosha Behnam

Niosha Behnam

Staff Software Engineer @Netflix

Speaker image - Sergey Fedorov

Sergey Fedorov

Director of Engineering @Netflix

Session Platform Engineering

Perils, Pitfalls and Pratfalls of Platform Engineering

Thursday Jun 15 / 04:10PM EDT

Platform engineering isn’t supposed to be just another name for SRE, DevOps, infrastructure, or backend software engineering teams; but if you aren’t careful, that’s what you’ll get.

Speaker image - Charity Majors

Charity Majors

CTO @Honeycombio, Previously engineer & manager @Facebook @Parse & @Linden Lab

Session ML Infrastructure

Introducing the Hendrix ML Platform: An Evolution of Spotify’s ML Infrastructure

Wednesday Jun 14 / 10:35AM EDT

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology has led to exponential growth in the open-source ML ecosystem.

Speaker image - Divita Vohra

Divita Vohra

Senior Product Manager @Spotify

Speaker image - Mike Seid

Mike Seid

Tech Lead for the ML Platform @Spotify

Session AI/ML

PostgresML: Leveraging Postgres as a Vector Database for AI

Thursday Jun 15 / 10:35AM EDT

With the growing importance of AI and machine learning in modern applications, data scientists and developers are constantly exploring new and efficient ways to store and analyze large amounts of data.

Speaker image - Montana Low

Montana Low

Machine Learning w/ PostgresML

Session MLOps

Platform and Features MLEs, a Scalable and Product-Centric Approach for High Performing Data Products

Wednesday Jun 14 / 04:10PM EDT

In this talk, we would go through the lessons learnt in the last couple of years around organising a Data Science Team and the Machine Learning Engineering efforts at Bumble Inc.

Speaker image - Massimo Belloni

Massimo Belloni

Data Science Manager @Bumble

Session Platform Engineering

Scaling Organizations with Platform Engineering

Thursday Jun 15 / 02:55PM EDT

Engineering organizations are often incentivized to prioritize short-term growth over long-term needs, leading to socio-technical consequences such as tech debt, organization siloes, and attrition.

Speaker image - Lesley Cordero

Lesley Cordero

Staff Engineer @nytimes

Session Platform Engineering

Hard Problems in Frontend Platforms

Thursday Jun 15 / 01:40PM EDT

Imagine you are tasked with building a platform to support a distributed system where your code executes in a remote environments.

Speaker image - Katie Sylor-Miller

Katie Sylor-Miller

Frontend Architect @Etsy

Session Platform Engineering

Demystifying Kubernetes Platforms with Backstage

Thursday Jun 15 / 10:35AM EDT

Developer platforms can help developers move faster, be more productive, and focus on delivering value.

Speaker image - Matt Clarke

Matt Clarke

Senior Infrastructure Engineer @ Spotify