Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
JavaScript ExpertDr. Axel Rauschmayer specializes in JavaScript. He blogs at 2ality.com, is a trainer for Ecmanauten, edits JavaScript Weekly, and organizes the MunichJS user group. He also frequently holds talks and workshops at conferences.
Axel has been programming since 1985 and developing web applications since 1995. In 1999, he was technical manager at a German Internet startup that later expanded internationally. In 2006, he held his first talk on Ajax.
Axel has done extensive research into programming language design and has followed the state and future of JavaScript since its creation. @rauschma
ECMAScript 6: what’s next for JavaScript?
Track: Beyond JavaScriptLocation:Abstract:
The next version of JavaScript is called ECMAScript 6 (the current one is ECMAScript 5). This version will be a standard by the end of 2014, but you can already use it now, on current engines. This talk explains how to do that, after giving a thorough tour of the new language features: block-scoped variables, arrow functions, better parameter handling, classes, modules and more. We will also look at the goals and the design process for ECMAScript 6.