
Session Resilience Engineering

5 Strategies to Resiliently Handle Uncertainty, Time Pressure & Change

Thursday Jun 15 / 04:10PM EDT

As an engineer tasked with keeping large-scale software systems running under changing priorities and time pressure, you need REsilience capabilities that are both technical and organizational to successfully navigate modern software engineering work.

Speaker image - Dr. Laura Maguire

Dr. Laura Maguire

Cognitive Systems Engineer & Researcher

Session Staff Plus Engineering

The Creative Act: How Staff+ Is More Art Than Science

Tuesday Jun 13 / 02:55PM EDT

Achieving a Staff+ role is a huge achievement and something many engineers seek as the next step in their career growth. All Staff+ roles are not the same and exactly what your role entails can sometimes be a bit murky, to say the least.

Speaker image - David Grizzanti

David Grizzanti

Principal Engineer @nytimes