Interview Available
Presentations about Interview Available
No Microservice Is an Island

Designing Events-First Microservices

Properties of Chaos

Debugging Microservices: How Google SREs Resolve Outages

Debugging Microservices: How Google SREs Resolve Outages

UNBREAKABLE: Learning to Bend but Not Break at Netflix

Lyft's Envoy: Embracing a Service Mesh

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Forced Evolution: Shopify's Journey to Kubernetes

Efficient Fault Tolerant Java with Aeron Clustering

Data Security Dreams and Nightmares

Engineering Systems for Real-Time Predictions @DoorDash

Closer to the Wire: Real-time News Alerting @Bloomberg

Succession: A Refactoring Story

Fast Log Analysis by Automatically Parsing Heterogeneous Log

Java 11 - Keeping the Java Release Train on the Right Track

A Neurobiologist's Guide to Empowering Your Team

The Story of Teams Autonomy and Servant Leadership

Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way

Modeling the Real World With Elixir/OTP

Git Gud with Property-Based Testing

Digital Publishing for Scale: The Economist and Go

Organizing for Your Ethical Principles

Probabilistic Programming from Scratch

UI Evolving, Platform Evolving, Architecture Evolving

Rethinking HCI With Neural Interfaces @CTRLlabsco

Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix

How Machines Help Humans Root Cause Issues @Netflix

ML Data Pipelines for Real-Time Fraud Prevention @PayPal

AutoCAD & WebAssembly: Moving a 30 Year Code Base to the Web

Heretical Resilience: To Repair is Human

Help! I Accidentally Distributed My System!

Help! I Accidentally Distributed My System!

Platforms at Twilio: Unlocking Developer Effectiveness

Programming for Hostile Environments
No Microservice Is an Island
You worked at Capital One first and then switched over to Square. So what were you working on at Capital One?
At Capital One, I was working on the first layer of services that our mobile app and website hit. Any new mobile or web request would first reach the service owned by my team. This service implemented security and customisation logic and then made a server request to the broader Capital one ecosystem. Capital One has a lot of microservices. QCon: And what do you work on now at Square?
Was the stack you worked on at Capital One JVM based or Node?
There were a lot of people at Capital One who worked on Java, but I was working on Node there. At Square I am working on a ruby on rails monolith and we are working towards a microservices based architecture.
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