
Strategic Design: Embrace Imperfection!

Strategic Design: Embrace Imperfection!

Thursday, 11:55am - 12:45pm

Idealized architecture bores me or occasionally frightens me. When it isn’t leading us in disastrous crusades, it is irrelevant. We have legacy systems that aren’t going away. We have some talented teams and some who are less so. We make mistakes as we go along. A practical architecture isn’t just a destination; it should give you a path from where you are now to someplace better. It should accommodate quality tradeoffs and design triage. I’ll share a few approaches that have helped me with these issues, with a focus on establishing boundaries between software with different conceptual approaches and discipline levels.

Eric.evans's picture
Eric Evans is the author of "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in Software." Eric now leads Domain Language, a consulting group which coaches and trains teams applying domain-driven design, helping them to make their development work more productive and more valuable to their business. @ericevans0