PostgresML: Leveraging Postgres as a Vector Database for AI
Thursday Jun 15 / 10:35AM EDT
With the growing importance of AI and machine learning in modern applications, data scientists and developers are constantly exploring new and efficient ways to store and analyze large amounts of data.

Montana Low
Machine Learning w/ PostgresML
Offline and Thriving: Building Resilient Applications With Local-first Techniques
Thursday Jun 15 / 02:55PM EDT
Discover the art of building offline-first applications that function even in the face of unreliable or nonexistent network connections.

Carl Sverre
Entrepreneur in Residence @Amplify Partners
Enabling Remote Query Execution Through DuckDB Extensions
Tuesday Jun 13 / 04:10PM EDT
DuckDB is a high-performance, embeddable analytical database system that has gained massive popularity in the last few years.

Stephanie Wang
Founding Engineer @MotherDuck
The Rise of the Serverless Data Architectures
Tuesday Jun 13 / 01:40PM EDT
For a while, it looked like Serverless was just a convenient way to run stateless functions in the cloud. But in the last year we’ve seen the rapid rise in serverless data stores.

Gwen Shapira
Founder @Nile, PMC Member @Kafka