Streaming from Apache Iceberg - Building Low-Latency and Cost-Effective Data Pipelines

Apache Flink is a very popular stream processing engine featuring sophisticated state management, even-time semantics, exactly-once state consistency. For low latency processing, Flink jobs typically consume data from streaming sources like Apache Kafka. Apache Iceberg is a widely adopted data lake technology supporting numerous features like snapshot isolation, transactional commit, fast scan planning. While Iceberg was originally designed for batch, it can also be used as a streaming source in Flink. This not only lowers the processing delays from hours or days to just minutes, but also significantly reduces the infrastructure cost and operational burden.

In this talk, we will explain the design of the Flink Iceberg source that we contributed to Apache Iceberg open source project. We will compare the Kafka and Iceberg sources for streaming read and present performance evaluation results of the Iceberg streaming read. We will discuss how the Iceberg streaming source can power many common stream processing use cases (like ETL, feature engineering). It enables users to build low-latency streaming pipelines chained by Iceberg that are cost effective and easy to operate.


Steven Wu

Software Engineer @Apple and Apache Iceberg PMC

Steven Wu is a software engineer at Apple. He is working at the AIML data platform team focusing on stream processing and data lake technologies. Previously, he worked at Netflix where he helped build the real-time data infrastructure. He is passionate about building scalable distributed systems and empowering people with data.

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Tuesday Jun 13 / 11:50AM EDT ( 50 minutes )


Salon E


Stream Processing Apache Flink Apache Iceberg Data Pipelines Architecture


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