Software Legends
Presentations about Software Legends

Author of Effective Java, Lead Design of Java Collection API & Carnegie Mellon Professor
Joshua Bloch
A Brief, Opinionated History of the API

Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka
Jonas Bonér
Designing Events-First Microservices

Creator of Envoy & Software Engineer @Lyft
Matt Klein
Lyft's Envoy: Embracing a Service Mesh

High Performance Consultant and previously NASA researcher
Todd Montgomery
Efficient Fault Tolerant Java with Aeron Clustering

Founder and Chief Information Security Officer @HoldSecurity
Alex Holden
Data Security Dreams and Nightmares

VP Engineering @WeWork
Randy Shoup
Breaking Codes, Designing Jets and Building Teams
Featured Interview
Designing Events-First Microservices
How would you describe the persona and level of the target audience?
My talk is for programmers and architects (from beginners to experienced) that are interested in and intrigued by event-driven systems and event-driven architecture.
What do you want “that” persona to walk away from your talk knowing that they might not have known 50 minutes before?
I will try to give them a theoretical understanding what being event-driven is all about, with enough practical tips to get started applying it to their use-cases, design process, and system architecture.
See more interviews

Founder and Chief Information Security Officer @HoldSecurity
Alex Holden