Workshop: Mastering Microservices Monitoring with Prometheus

Location: Marquis C, 9th fl.

Duration: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Day of week: Tuesday

Level: All


  • Linux / Mac / Windows laptop
  • Being able to create a basic web application in a language of your choice
  • Comfortable using the terminal and using command line utilities

Monitoring containerised apps creates a whole new set of challenges that traditional monitoring systems struggle with. In this hands-on Workshop, Ilya and Brice from Weaveworks will guide you through using the open source Prometheus monitoring toolkit and integrating it with Kubernetes on an example application.

After this workshop, you'll be able to use Prometheus to monitor your microservices on a Kubernetes cluster. We'll cover:

  • An introduction to Kubernetes to manage containers;
  • The monitoring maturity model;
  • An overview of whitebox and blackbox monitoring;
  • Monitoring with Prometheus;
  • Using PromQL (the Prometheus Query Language) to monitor your app in a dynamic system

Speaker: Ilya Dmitrichenko

Developer Experience Engineer @Weaveworks

Ilya is a Developer Experience Engineer at Weaveworks, focused on making the adoption of microservices easier. Prior to Weaveworks, Ilya worked at Xively, where he personally experienced the shift to a true DevOps culture. He began to shift focus down the stack, becoming one of the early evangelists of and contributors to open source projects in the emerging Docker/container ecosystem.

Find Ilya Dmitrichenko at

Speaker: Stefan Prodan

Developer Experience Engineer @weaveworks

Stefan Prodan, a Developer Experience engineer at Weaveworks. He spends most of his time at Weaveworks integrating and testing different open source projects with Weave Cloud and blogging about it. He’s passionate about all things Cloud Native, programs in Golang and has a soft spot for Prometheus as well as OpenFaaS serverless technology -- where he is a core contributor. Previously he worked as a software architect and a DevOps consultant, helping companies embrace DevOps and the SRE movement. Stefan has over 15 years of experience with software development and he enjoys programming in Go and writing about distributed systems.

Find Stefan Prodan at
