Presentation: WebSockets, Reactive APIs and Microservices



1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week:




Today we have new protocols, such as WebSocket and HTTP/2, asynchronous APIs, such as ReactiveStreams, and microservice architectures. All of these bring the promise of high scalability, resiliency, and ease of development. But do they really deliver? What can evolve when the latest web protocols are leveraged fully with an asynchronous API design? In this session, we will look at these questions and explore what can be done and what effect different techniques may have.

Speaker: Todd Montgomery

Ex-NASA researcher, Consultant

Todd Montgomery is a networking hacker who has researched, designed, and built numerous protocols, messaging-oriented middleware systems, and real-time data systems, done research for NASA, contributed to the IETF and IEEE, and co-founded two startups. He currently works as an independent consultant on high performance systems and is active in several open source projects, including Agrona, Aeron, ReactiveSocket, and the FIX Simple Binary Encoding (SBE).

Find Todd Montgomery at


Monday, 13 June

Tuesday, 14 June

Wednesday, 15 June