Sahat Yalkabov
Sahat Yalkabov
JavaScript DeveloperSahat is a full stack JavaScript developer who recently graduated with a BS in Computer Science from The City College of New York. In his free time he pushes commits to GitHub and contributes to open-source projects. He has been developing with Node.js for over 2 years and is an active member of the Node.js NYC community.
From Node Newbie to Dangerous: A Fast Intro to Node.js for Developers
Location:Grand Ballroom - Salon IDuration:Full DayAbstract:In this get-coding-quick tutorial, you'll: Get up and running with nvm, npm, Node.js and Express. Learn fundamental Node and JavaScript concepts like callbacks, events, and promises. Become familiar with some of Node's most popular modules and learn their benefits. Bootstrap a site and API with the latest tools like yeoman, bower, and others. Deploy your site to heroku or a cloud of your choice.