Rajeev Borborah
How WebMD maintains operational flexibility with NoSQL
Track: Modern Big Data SystemsLocation:Abstract:
In this session, Rajeev Borborah, WebMD Sr. Director of Engineering and Matt Wilson, WebMD Director of Web Operations, will highlight the growing role of NoSQL at the company. With over 160 applications behind WebMD properties, the engineering and operations teams utilize all types of backends – Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, and Couchbase to name just a few. These applications read and write data to caches, relational databases, key / value stores, and document databases. In order to support its growing operations, while maintaining operational flexibility and ease of use, the WebMD team is broadening its use of NoSQL. This session will focus on the NoSQL caching and key / value storage implementation behind a few of the WebMD applications: Physician Finder, Symptom Checker and WebMD Runtime. Rajeev and Matt will discuss the NoSQL architecture, including ramp up, benefits, and roadmap.