
Front End Ops Tooling

Front End Ops Tooling

Wednesday, 5:30pm - 6:20pm

In this talk we'll visit why you should have an automated build process, how you can integrate that with your deployments, and how to perform continuous development to increase your productivity. On a similar note I'll discuss the benefits of using Browserify to write Common.JS code for the browser, improving your client-side application's modularity and testability.

Nicolas.Bevacqua's picture
I've always had a great interest in build processes. I'm writing a book on build processes, and architecture: JavaScript Application Design http://bevacqua.io/bf Lately I've been experimenting with Gulp, and `npm run` You can check out a related blog post at http://blog.ponyfoo.com/2014/01/09/gulp-grunt-whatever Twitter: @nzgb