
14:45-17:15 OSGi enRoute: a Blog Application (Part2)

14:45-17:15 OSGi enRoute: a Blog Application (Part2)

Friday, 4:15pm - 5:05pm

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14:45 - 17:15 - Level intermediate

OSGi enRoute is an OSGi application framework that makes OSGi (and Java) as easy to use as more dynamic web languages, while still providing the benefits of strong modularity. In this tutorial we start from an empty web page up to a simple but complete blog application that uses JPA on a combination of Hibernate, EclipseLink, H2 and MySQL.


The tutorial will use bnd(tools) and has a number of stages:

  1. We first start with handling web resources using the OSGi enRoute support. This will show bootstrap and a bit of Javascript code using Angular JS.
  2. The Javascript code is connected to the server using restful services. 
  3. We create a blog service to separate usage and implementation, creating a simple memory based blog database.
  4. The blog service is tested with OSGi Unit tests 
  5. An alternative implementation is created using JPA 
  6. The application is packaged and deployed in the cloud


This tutorial will teach you what makes OSGi so unique, and so easy to use if you use it in the intended way. Along the way you may learn a number of good techniques to use in rich internet applications.

Peter.kriens's picture
Peter Kriens is an independent consultant since 1990.He currently works for the OSGi Alliance and Paremus. During the eighties he developed advanced distributed systems for newspapers based on microcomputers based on, at the time very novel, object oriented technologies. For this experience in Objects he was hired by a number of international companies, including Adobe, Intel, Ericsson, IBM, and many others. During his work at Ericsson Research in 1998 he got involved with the OSGi specification; Later he became the primary editor for these specifications. In 2005 he was awarded the OSGi Fellows title. After taking a sabbatical in 2012 to develop jpm4j he returned to the OSGi Alliance to help increasing adoption. He is Dutch but decided to live in France. @pkriens