
Code to cloud: Continuous Delivery with Windows Azure

Legends Ballroom - Robinson-Whitman

Windows Azure enables developers to use a variety of workflows to automatically deploy code from the tools youre already using, like GitHub, BitBucket, and TFS. This talk will focus on the various ways to deploy your projects to Windows Azure, including git deployment, TFS deployment, continuous integration and custom scripts. Come join us and check out how easy it is to deploy your ASP.NET, Node, and PHP applications to the cloud.

Justin Beckwith's picture
Justin is a Program Manager, web developer, and geek dad working on tooling and the developer experience for Windows Azure. He writes code, speaks at events, and stirs up trouble. Before joining Microsoft, he filled various developer and architect roles with startups, healthcare companies, and universities. He blogs at http://jbeckwith.com and twitters as @justinbeckwith