
Modular JavaScript in an OSGi world

Modular JavaScript in an OSGi world

Thursday, 1:45pm - 2:35pm

What percentage of your web-app is written in JavaScript? Don’t be surprised if it’s more than half of your codebase. With the advent of HTML5 and single-page-applications driven by RESTful backends, the amount of JavaScript keeps growing. On the Java side, OSGi allows us to create modular, flexible applications. But how does this translate to the client-side? Isn’t a ‘single-page-application’ fundamentally at odds with modularity?


In this session we take a look at the currently available tools for modularity in JavaScript. There are several ways you can combine existing JavaScript module systems with OSGi-based development on the backend. We discuss tradeoffs between these different approaches based on real-world experience with large JavaScript front-ends and OSGi back-ends. In particular an example combining OSGi, RequireJS and AngularJS is presented. Along with practical advice based on current technology, we also look forward at relevant upcoming standards such as Web Components. After this session you’ll have a solid grasp of modular JavaScript development in an OSGi world.

Sander.Mak's picture
After getting his master's degree in Software Technology, Sander became a software developer/architect. Currently he works as Senior Software Engineer for Luminis Technologies, specializing in modular Java and JavaScript development. Additionally, data analysis and machine learning are part of his ever growing list of interests. Sander loves sharing knowledge, for example through his blog (at http://branchandbound.net) and by writing for the Dutch Java Magazine. He speaks regularly at various international developer conferences (including JavaOne, J-Fall, JEEConf), sharing his passion for Java, alternative JVM languages and related technologies. @Sander_Mak