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Steve Vinoski, Architect at Basho/Track host
Steve Vinoski is an architect at Basho Technologies in Cambridge, MA,
USA. He's worked on distributed systems and middleware systems for over
20 years, including distributed object systems, service-oriented
systems, and RESTful web services. His interest in software quality and
development speed led Steve to start exploring and using Erlang in 2006,
and he's used it as as his primary development language ever since. He
writes "The Functional Web" column for IEEE Internet Computing in which
he explores the use of functional programming languages for web
Twitter: @stevevinoski
Presentation: "Erlang's Open Telecom Platform (OTP) Framework"
Monday 16:50 - 17:50
Salon C
Erlang, a concurrency-oriented functional
programming language, comes equipped with the Open Telecom Platform (OTP)
framework. Don't let the name fool you: OTP is useful across numerous domains
and is in no way limited to just telecom applications. OTP provides common
patterns, facilities, and capabilities generally useful for all concurrent
distributed applications. In this talk, Steve will cover details of how OTP
works, what problems it solves, and show some examples of how to use OTP.
Attendees need not have any prior knowledge of Erlang or OTP.
Presentation: "Tuesday's Introduction"
Tuesday 09:00 - 09:20
Salon A, B, C, D
Abstract: Floyd Marinescu Introduces: Arm Elssamadisy, Frank Greco, Werner Schuster, Khawaja Shams, Steve Vinoski