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Serkan Piantino, Facebook NYC
Serkan Piantino is an engineering manager at Facebook
and is the head of Facebook’s new engineering office in New York City. He
manages the teams that power Facebook Messages and Chat. His previous
experience includes building the infrastructure and ranking algorithms for News
Feed, managing development of new versions of the Facebook home page, and
leading development of Timeline. Serkan holds a B.S. in Computer Science from
Carnegie Mellon University, and is a native of Connecticut.
Presentation: "Facebook News Feed: Social Data at Scale"
Monday 15:30 - 16:30
Salon D
News Feed is not only one of the most important products on Facebook, it’s also one of the most used content distribution systems on the internet today, serving up feeds of social data to more than 6% of the humans on the planet every day. We’ll walk through how the systems that power News Feed work at scale.
The Feed infrastructure started as an implementation of some relatively simple concepts, but over the years has accumulated a lot of new designs and tricks to make it exceptionally good at being efficient and reliable. It’s also evolved from a specialized service for powering the homepage to a general graph storage engine, which not only powers all the old and future products within Feed, but many other pages on the site as well. The talk will cover building distributed systems, in-memory databases, network topologies, aggregating social data, and everything in between.