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Alexander von Zitzewitz, Co-founder of hello2morrow Inc
Alexander von Zitzewitz is one of the founders of hello2morrow and has
more than 20 years of experience with object oriented software development
and software architecture in general. He has a degree in Computer
Science from Technical University of Munich. In July of 2008 he moved to
Massachusetts to build up the North American operations of hello2morrow.
Besides computers and software architecture Alexander likes Red Wine, good
Jazz, hiking, strategy games and sunny weather.
Presentation: "Sustainable Software Development"
Monday 12:05 - 13:05
every non-trivial software system suffers from the accumulation of technical
debt and structural erosion. With every new release quality metrics and
developer productivity go down, while it becomes more and more difficult to
change or maintain the system. This session first looks at the technical and
social causes of this industry wide problem. From there the focus will shift to
possible solutions involving organizational changes, process improvements
and tool-based fully automized control of quality metrics and architecture.