Presentation: "Netflix: Movies when you want, where you want, from the cloud!"

Time: Monday 16:50 - 17:50

Location: Salon D

"Why Netflix, why cloud, why AWS?"  Netflix has over 26 million users and represents over 30% of all internet traffic at some times of the day.  Using Amazon Web Services as a command and control layer for hundreds of different device types and millions of devices, learn how Netflix takes advantage of the EC2 ecosystem to provide what amounts to a Java (and soon Python) PaaS.  We'll walk through how Netflix stores its data in Cassandra and how it was moved from Oracle; Big Data at Netflix; how we use auto-scaling and multi-AZ/multi-region deployments to maintain reliability; and how we use the "monkeys" to maintain reliability and keep costs down.  Lastly, you'll learn how a public cloud architecture differs from a datacenter architecture and what advantages and disadvantages that provides.

Jeremy Edberg, Reliability Architect for Netflix

 Jeremy  Edberg
Jeremy is currently the Reliability Architect for Netflix, the largest video streaming service in the world.
Before that he ran reddit, an online community for sharing and discussing interesting things on the internet that does more than two billion pageviews a month. Both run their entire operations on Amazon’s EC2. Jeremy has keynoted at conferences such as PyCon and Cloud Connect, and holds a cognitive Science degree from UC Berkeley.