Presentation: "Data Infrastructure @ LinkedIn"
Wednesday 10:50 - 11:50
Salon D
With over 150 Million
members worldwide, LinkedIn is an indispensible means to connect professionals
the world over. By mining data from its ever-growing professional network,
LinkedIn recommends jobs, connections, skills, and ads to its members. Using
this same information, LinkedIn has proven itself a reliable hiring tool for
companies in search of skilled talent. As LinkedIn continues to grow in
popularity and features, its need for fast access to large sets of rapdily
evolving data will grow. How are we handling these challenges? Come and find
out about LinkedIn's data infrastructure products.
Siddharth Anand, Senior Member, Distributed Data Systems, LinkedIn
"Sid" Anand has deep experience designing and scaling high-traffic
web sites. Currently, he is a senior member of LinkedIn's Distributed Systems
Prior to joining Linked In, he served as Netflix's Cloud Database Architect, Etsy's VP of
Engineering, a search engineer and researcher at eBay, and a performance
engineer at Siebel Systems. He graduated from Cornell University with both BS
and M.Eng degrees -- his graduate work focused on distributed computing.
System Scalability
and Performance, Distributed Systems, Algorithms
Email : siddharthanand@yahoo.com
Twitter : @r39132
LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/siddharthanand