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Mike Roberts, Technical lead, DRW Trading
Mike Roberts is a software guy, originally from the UK, resident in the US, and with an accent somewhere between the two. He's had a number of jobs over the last 13 years ranging from sys admin to technical-manager-of-20 to build monkey, with companies like ThoughtWorks, the New York Stock Exchange, and a startup that doesn't exist any more. His role for the last 3+ years has been as a technical lead at DRW Trading. He can be found at @mikebroberts and very occasionally at http://www.mikebroberts.com/ .
Presentation: "Letting Go of Agile Process and Embracing Agile Individuals"
Monday 12:05 - 13:05
Salon I
Agile these days always seems to mean 'Scrum', 'Lean', 'Kanban', or some other process. If you're not pairing, standing up and using every xDD available then you're apparently missing a trick. Yet the agile manifesto itself says that agile software developers value individuals more than process, so has something gone wrong somewhere? Come along and hear some story-telling and (occasionally informed) opinion about what can happen if you let the right people do just what they think is necessary in order to deliver the right software, effectively. Warning - your favorite tool, technique, or process may suffer some bruising during this talk.