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Mike Hill, Professional Coach
Mike Hill, widely known as "GeePaw", has been
helping geeks produce for over a decade using the techniques of Extreme
Programming, Scrum, and Kanban. As a professional coach, he's worked with every
category of software, be it desktop or embedded, web service or bit-flipping.
Nowadays his practice is an even split: half-time helping
*coaches* help geeks produce, and halftime helping geeks produce when they're
in the dark gnarled forest of deep legacy code.
Presentation: "How Individuals Help Teams Become Excellent"
Monday 10:50 - 11:50
Salon I
Excited about agile methods? Wondering about how to share the excitement, even when you're not the boss?
Guess what: that's exactly what a coach does.
There's no big secret to coaching a team, just a million tiny ones. In this presentation, you'll learn the ins and outs of basic coaching technique:
- The Three Basic Coaching Requirements
- The Coaching Pillars:
Sorting, Releasing, Situating,
Modeling, and Inviting
- How *Not* To Win Over a Team
All of this and more, in the well-known GeePawHill style: funny, irreverent, and right to the point.