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Dio Synodinos, Research Platform Team Lead at C4Media
Dio Synodinos is the research platform team lead at C4Media and a
freelance consultant, focusing on rich Internet applications, web
application security, mobile web, and web services. He's also the lead
editor for HTML5 and JavaScript for InfoQ, where he also regularly
writes about the JVM platform. He's also the author of
Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns
by Apress and
The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design
by friendsofED. Going back and forth between server-side programming and UI
design for more than a decade, he has been involved in diverse software
projects and contributed to different technical publications.
Presentation: "Conference Intro and Track Introduction"
Monday 09:00 - 09:20
Salon A, B, C, D
Abstract: Floyd Marinescu Introduces: Sadek Drobi, Chris Matts, Randy Shoup, Dionysios Synodinos, Khawaja Shams
Presentation: "Visualizing Information with HTML5"
Monday 12:05 - 13:05
Salon A-B
The more information-rich our societies become, the more
demand there is for representing information visually, and the HTML5
platform is one of the best ways to create visualizations and communicate a
message. Either for making sense of quantitative data, displaying qualitative
information or simply creating the next Mona Lisa, technologies like CSS3, SVG,
Canvas, WebGL, etc, provide a very powerful toolbox for developers, designers
and artists.
In this presentation we’re going to start of by examining all the enabling
HTML5 technologies that were mentioned, their features and how they are used in
practice to deliver captivating user experiences. Then we’re going to move one
level up and talk about the frameworks that make these powerful but sometimes
overly complex technologies, more accessible to programmers. We’re going to see
frameworks like Raphaël, Processing.js, D3.js, Fabric.js, etc, their features
and their applicability. Finally, time permitting, we’re going to go over
online examples that best demonstrate the power of the web platform for
visualizations and analyze how they were created.
Presentation: "Wednesday's Introduction"
Wednesday 09:00 - 09:20
Salon A, B, C, D
Abstract: Floyd Marinescu Introduces: Amr Awadallah, Dave Hussman, Dionysios Synodinos, Jim Webber and Ari Zilka