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Chris Pinkham, co-Founder and CEO, Nimbula
Chris is a senior technology executive and entrepreneur with over 20
years of experience building Internet and large infrastructure
environments. Chris started his career co-founding South Africa's first
ISP, TICSA/Internet Africa, which was sold to UUNET in 1996. Most
recently Chris initiated and managed the development of Amazon’s Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2), which has emerged as the undisputed leading public
Cloud Infrastructure. Prior to that, Chris was Vice President of
Engineering at Amazon.com, responsible for global IT infrastructure.
Chris is a graduate of the University of Cape Town.
Presentation: "Building and delivering next generation developer services using private cloud infrastructure"
Tuesday 16:50 - 17:50
Salon I
Beyond debates between private versus public, cloud technologies can be primarily used to hide the complexities of the underlying infrastructure and allow a focus on services required to develop and deliver next gerenation applications and associated IT services. Web companies have made the most of these new capabilities to greatly accelerate their ability to deliver innovation without any of the traditional red tape associated with traditional IT. This session will explore how any customer can now leverage this developer friendly model and enhance their ability to better support the business needs. Furthermore, new technologies, such as Nimbula's Cloud operating system, will allow customers to leverage public clouds such as Amazon's EC2 to complement their private resources.