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Andy Wilson, Field Engineer, VoltDB
Andy Wilson
is a Field Engineer at VoltDB. Prior to VoltDB, Andy was the architect of
Harvard Business Publishing's Higher Education E-commerce site, Co-founder of
Visible Measures and has held senior software developer positions for the past
15 years.
Presentation: "Scaling to 695,000 TPS with Node.js"
Monday 14:00 - 15:00
Node.js is an asynchronous, event-driven application framework based on the V8 Javascript engine. VoltDB is a scalable, high-throughput in-memory RDBMS. What do you get when you marry these two complementary technologies? 695k ACID TPS running on an untuned EC2 cloud, according to a recent VoltDB benchmark. This talk will provide an architectural overview of Node.js and VoltDB, discuss the benchmark highlights and lessons learned, and identify applications that can benefit from this new lightweight, high performance stack.