Web Sockets
Presentations about Web Sockets
Software Engineer @Netflix
Susheel Aroskar
Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix
Featured Interview
Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix
Zuul is your API gateway right? What is the relationship between Zuul and Zuul Push?
Yes, Zuul is Netflix’ API gateway (all of the Netflix HTTP API traffic passed through Zuu). We took the Zuul code base and grafted Zuul Push on it, so it's a different offering. But they share 90% of the same code base.
Can you give me an example of what we can expect to see in your talk?
There are many areas where push notifications from Zull Push are handy. I will show an example of List of List of Movies (what we call LoLoMo). LoLoMo is a grid of shows and movies that Netflix shows you up when you log in.