Presentations about Sponsored

SAP Developer Advocate
Lucia Subatin
Translytical Databases & the New Data-Driven Apps

Co-founder and developer advocate @Camunda
Bernd Rücker
3 Common Pitfalls in Microservice Integration

Software Developer @IBM
Dale Lane
Explaining Artificial Intelligence to Schoolchildren

Developer Advocate @IBM
Lennart Frantzell
Create and Deploy a Blockchain App in the Cloud

Lead Software Engineer @CapitalOne
Kevin Hoffman
WebAssembly 101

Director of Product @JFrog
Craig Peters
Software Updates in an Orchestrated World

Solutions Engineer @AppDynamics
Billy Yung
Understanding Code Performance in Production

Developer Advocate @Couchbase
Matthew Groves
Autonomous Microservices

Director, Platform Architecture @Ballerina
Sameera Jayasoma
Ballerina - Cloud Native Programming Language

VP Solution Engineering @OverOps
Eric Mizell
How to Accelerate Delivery of Reliable Software

Engineer & Director of DevRel
Ryan Boyd
Graph Algorithms on ACID: Combining OLTP+OLAP+Visualization

Senior Software Engineer @Jet.com
Justen Walker
Managing Moderate-Scale Multi-Tenant Micro-Services @Jet.com

Head Of Technology - Products @ThoughtWorks
Sheroy Marker
Continuous Delivery of Microservices

Application & Platform Architect @Pivotal
Vinay Upadhya
Cloud Native with Spring and PCF

Lead Software Engineer @CapitalOne
Alex Vaynshteyn