Silicon Valley
Presentations about Silicon Valley

Author of Effective Java, Lead Design of Java Collection API & Carnegie Mellon Professor
Joshua Bloch
A Brief, Opinionated History of the API
Tech Lead and Architect @Square
Michele Titolo
No Microservice Is an Island

Senior Software Engineer, Chaos Engineering @Netflix
Haley Tucker
UNBREAKABLE: Learning to Bend but Not Break at Netflix

High Performance Consultant and previously NASA researcher
Todd Montgomery
Efficient Fault Tolerant Java with Aeron Clustering

Software Engineer @Coinbase
Amy Yin
Coinbase Commerce: A User-Controlled Payment Processor

CEO @EdgeSecure
Paul Puey
How Blockchain Has Created a New Paradigm in Security

Engineering systems for real-time predictions @DoorDash
Raghav Ramesh
Engineering Systems for Real-Time Predictions @DoorDash

Engineer @pagerduty
Aish Dahal
Modeling the Real World With Elixir/OTP

Research engineer @Cloudera Fast Forward Labs
Mike Lee Williams
Probabilistic Programming from Scratch

Senior Software Engineer, Operational Insights @Netflix
Seth Katz
How Machines Help Humans Root Cause Issues @Netflix

Lead Data Architect, Risk and Compliance Management Platform @PayPal
Mikhail Kourjanski
ML Data Pipelines for Real-Time Fraud Prevention @PayPal

Co-Founder @atomist
Jim Clark
Behavioral Economics and ChatBots

UX Lead @Google
Charles Berg
Smart Speakers: Designing for the Human

Author of Effective Java, Lead Design of Java Collection API & Carnegie Mellon Professor
Joshua Bloch
Effective Java, Third Edition - Keepin' it Effective

Software Engineer & Engineering Manager @Honeycombio
Emily Nakashima
Help! I Accidentally Distributed My System!

Developer Programs Engineer @Google
Rachel Myers
Help! I Accidentally Distributed My System!

Senior Director Platform Engineering @twilio
Justin Kitagawa
Platforms at Twilio: Unlocking Developer Effectiveness
Featured Interview
Modeling the Real World With Elixir/OTP
What is the focus of your work today?
I work on event-based systems that leverage Elixir/OTP and quite a bit of Apache Kafka. My team is building a platform for enriching and processing high volumes of data in real time.
What’s the motivation for this talk?
The motivation is twofold. First, the actor model despite having been around for a while does not have as much adoption as shared-memory based traditional concurrency models. Therefore one of the motivating factors behind this talk to help the audience model a “real world” problem with Elixir’s actors (BEAM processes and OTP abstractions).
See more interviews

Senior Software Engineer, Chaos Engineering @Netflix
Haley Tucker

Engineering systems for real-time predictions @DoorDash
Raghav Ramesh

Research engineer @Cloudera Fast Forward Labs
Mike Lee Williams

Software Engineer & Engineering Manager @Honeycombio
Emily Nakashima