Property-Based Testing
Presentations about Property-Based Testing

Git Gud with Property-Based Testing
Git Gud with Property-Based Testing
What is the focus of your work?
Today, I am working on using property-based testing to create various different kinds of distributed git repository scenarios. The goal is to validate that our solution to the git metadata vulnerability is working as designed. So I am trying to create any kind of wacky system state to ensure that our solution still works.
You work for a Self-Driving-Car System Company. You are talking about git and you are talking about property-based testing. What’s the connection?
We are trying to secure our deployment tools so we can ensure that nothing is being tampered with. This git test work is based on a security vulnerability that was exposed in a paper (On Omitting Commits and Committing Omissions: Preventing Git Metadata Tampering That (Re)introduces Software Vulnerabilities). We are trying to make sure our repositories are secure, and we are delivering what we are saying we are delivering in a way that does not mess up the data.