Keynote: Security War Stories


Day of the Week:

Over the past decade, the pace and impact of major data breaches and other information security incidents has dramatically increased.

As society becomes increasingly interconnected through, and reliant upon, information technology, important questions are being raised about the long-term security of essential systems and applications that power the modern world.

This talk presents stories relating to security incidents from the past and present to demonstrate how both technology and cultural mindsets relating to security have evolved.

It concludes by offering a glimpse into the future of security and how technological innovations create new opportunities for attackers and new responsibilities for defenders and society as a whole.

Speaker: Shuman Ghosemajumder

VP Product Management @ShapeSecurity & Former Click Fraud Czar @Google

Shuman leads product management at Shape Security, which has created a new class of technology to defend web and mobile applications against attacks enabled by malware, botnets, and scripts. Shape works with some of the world’s largest companies in healthcare, retail, aerospace, and other industries, protecting critical applications used by more than 100 million users globally. Shuman previously led product management for click fraud protection at Google, where his team safeguarded and enabled the $23 billion annual revenue pay-per-click AdWords business. He joined Google in 2003 as one of the early product managers for AdSense, held key product management roles in growing that business to $2 billion in annual revenue, and helped launch Gmail. Prior to Google, Shuman developed the first real-time collaborative graphic design application as a software engineer at Groupware. He is the co-author of CGI Programming Unleashed, a contributing author to Crimeware, and a regular guest lecturer at Stanford University.

Find Shuman Ghosemajumder at


Monday, 13 June

Tuesday, 14 June

Wednesday, 15 June

Conference for Professional Software Developers