Conference: Jun 26-28, 2017
Workshops: Jun 29-30, 2017
Keynote: Engineering the Red Planet
- Salon A/B/C/D/E
Day of the Week:
- Monday
On August 5th 2012, NASA landed its most capable robotic geologist on the surface of the Red Planet. The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission landed a 2000 lb rover, the size of a compact car, to explore the planes of Mars. The rover, aptly named Curiosity, will search for organic compounds, characterize the climate and geology, and continue the search for life. One of the most challenging aspects of the mission, from an engineering perspective, was safely landing the rover on the surface. The entry descent and landing (EDL) system used a heat shield to accommodate its hypersonic entry conditions, followed by a supersonic parachute, and eight retro rockets for the powered descent phase. For its final terminal descent, a maneuver called the sky crane was used where the rover was lowered on tethers for touchdown. The talk will describe the motivation for Mars Exploration and how the MSL EDL engineering challenges were tackled with computational modeling and cutting edge experimental techniques.
Monday, 13 June
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
Case studies from: Google, Linkedin, Alibaba, Twitter, and more...
Stream Processing @ Scale
Technologies and techniques to handle ever increasing data streams
Culture As Differentiator
Stories of companies and team for whom engineering culture is a differentiator - in delivering faster, in attracting better talent, and in making their businesses more successful.
Practical DevOps for Cloud Architectures
Real-world lessons and practices that enable the devops nirvana of operating what you build
Incredible Power of an Open-Sourced .NET
.NET is more than you may think. From Rx to C# 7 designed in the open, learn more about the power of open source .NET
Sponsored Solutions Track 1
Tuesday, 14 June
Better than Resilient: Antifragile
Failure is a constant in production systems, learn how to wield it to your advantage to build more robust systems.
Innovations in Java and the Java Ecosystem
Cutting Edge Java Innovations for the Real World
Modern CS in the Real World
Real-world Industry adoption of modern CS ideas
Containers: From Dev to Prod
Beyond the buzz and into the how and why of running containers in production
Security War Stories
Expert-level security track led by well known and respected leaders in the field
Sponsored Solutions Track 2
Wednesday, 15 June
Microservices and Monoliths
Practical lessons on services. Asks the question when and when to NOT go with Microservices?
Modern API Architecture - Tools, Methods, Tactics
API-based application development, and the tooling and techniques to support effectively working with APIs in the small or at scale. Using internal and external APIs
Commoditized Machine Learning
Barriers to entry for applied ML are lower than ever before, jumpstart your journey
Full Stack JavaScript
Browser, server, devices - JavaScript is everywhere
Optimizing Yourself
Keeping life in balance is always a challenge. Learning lifehacks
Sponsored Solutions Track 3