Mike Amundsen
Principal API Architect, Layer 7 TechnologiesAn internationally known author and lecturer, Mike Amundsen travels throughout the world consulting and speaking on a wide range of topics including distributed network architecture, Web application development, Cloud computing, and other subjects. In his role of API architect at Layer 7, Amundsen heads up the API Architecture and Design Practice in North America. He is responsible for working with companies to provide insight on how best to capitalize on the myriad opportunities APIs present to both consumers and the enterprise. Amundsen has authored numerous books and papers on programming over the last 15 years. His 2011 book, 'Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node', is an oft-cited reference on building adaptable distributed systems. His latest project, scheduled for release in the summer of 2013, is a collaboration with Leonard Richard titled "RESTful Web APIs".
Twitter: @mamund
Voice: +1.859.757.1449
Email: mamundsen@layer7tech.com
Blog: http://amundsen.com/blog