Speaker: Harold Shinsato

Agile & Software Craftsmanship Coach

Harold is an independent Agile and software craftsmanship coach, a facilitator, speaker, and culture hacker. Harold co-founded Montana Code School and continues to assist with agile process and technical practies. He co-authored The OpenSpace Agility Handbook and software patent 6108698. He cultivates culture change through social technologies including The Core ProtocolsOpen Space TechnologyCo-Active Coaching, and applying agile approaches for clients like SAP, Intuit, Capital One, MIT's Medicine Hackathons, the University of Montana, Oregon State University, the Agile Coaching Institute, and more. Harold sits on the board of the Open Space Institute and is founder & Executive Director of Montana Agile Culture House which facilitates culture change towards agility in the state of Montana.

Talk : Microservice Open Space

Talk : Machine Learning Open Space

Talk : Core Protocols Mini Workshop

Talk : Mob Programming Mini Workshop

Talk : Core Protocols Mini Workshop

Talk : Code Dojo

Other talks from track Microservices: Patterns & Practices

Cofounder & CTO @Flow.io, previously Co-Founder & CTO @Gilt
Co-founder and developer advocate @Camunda
Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka
Tech Lead and Architect @Square

Other talks from track Practical Machine Learning

Lead Data Architect, Risk and Compliance Management Platform @PayPal
Senior Software Engineer, Operational Insights @Netflix
Engineering systems for real-time predictions @DoorDash
Java and Neural Network Expert, Creator @Neuroph, & Founder @DeepNetts

Other talks from track Ask Me Anything and Open Space

High Performance Consultant and previously NASA researcher
Co-founder @SnykSec

Other talks from track Ask Me Anything and Open Space

Author of Effective Java, Lead Design of Java Collection API & Carnegie Mellon Professor
