Presentation: Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems

Track: Microservices: Patterns & Practices

Location: Broadway Ballroom North Center, 6th fl.

Duration: 10:35am - 11:25am

Day of week: Thursday

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Architect, Developer

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Event-driven architectures enable nicely decoupled microservices and are fundamental for decentralized data management. However, using peer-to-peer event chains to implement complex end-to-end logic crossing service boundaries can accidentally increase coupling. Extracting such business logic into dedicated services reduces coupling and allows to keep sight of larger-scale flows - without violating bounded contexts, harming service autonomy or introducing god services. Service boundaries get clearer and service APIs get smarter by focusing on their potentially long running nature. I will demonstrate how the new generation of lightweight and highly-scalable state machines ease the implementation of long running services. Based on my real-life experiences, I will share how to handle complex logic and flows which require proper reactions on failures, timeouts and compensating actions and I provide guidance backed by code examples to illustrate alternative approaches.

Speaker: Bernd Rücker

Co-founder and developer advocate @Camunda

Throughout my 15+ years in software development, I have helped automating highly scalable core workflows at global companies including T-Mobile, Lufthansa and Zalando. I have contributed to various open source workflow engines. I am co-founder and developer advocate of Camunda, an open source software company reinventing workflow automation. I co-authored "Real-Life BPMN," a popular book about workflow modeling and automation, now in its fifth edition and available in English, German and Spanish. I regularly speak at conferences and write for various magazines. I am currently focused on new workflow automation paradigms that fit into modern architectures around distributed systems, microservices, domain-driven design, event-driven architecture and reactive systems.

Find Bernd Rücker at

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