Speaker: James Wen
James Wen is currently a Site Reliability Engineer at Spotify. He's on the ALF squad at Spotify, maintaining and developing the tooling for capacity management + provisioning and internal DNS for 150+ teams at Spotify. He was formerly the Team Lead (Anchor) of the Cloud Foundry Buildpacks team at Pivotal and a core contributor and maintainer of Bundler. He graduated with a B.A. in Computer Science from Columbia University and is currently working toward his Master's in Computer Science with a specialization in Machine Learning from Georgia Tech via the OMSCS program. He is an avid proponent of technical domains like open source, reliability, continuous integration, collective ownership, highly accessible context/knowledge, automation, and clean, maintainable code. He absolutely loves to climb, whether on real rock or plastic, or bouldering or lead.
Find James Wen at
Talk: Spotify Lessons: Learning to Let Go of Machines
Other talks from track Developer Experience: Level up Your Engineering Effectiveness

Monday, 26 June
Microservices: Patterns & Practices
Practical experiences and lessons with Microservices.
Java - Propelling the Ecosystem Forward
Lessons from Java 8, prepping for Java 9, and looking ahead at Java 10. Innovators in Java.
High Velocity Dev Teams
Working Smarter as a team. Improving value delivery of engineers. Lean and Agile principles.
Modern Browser-Based Apps
Reactive, cross platform, progressive - webapp tech today.
Innovations in Fintech
Technology, tools and techniques supporting modern financial services.
Tuesday, 27 June
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
Case studies from the most relevant names in software.
Developer Experience: Level up Your Engineering Effectiveness
Trends, tools and projects that we're using to maximally empower your developers.
Chaos & Resilience
Failures, edge cases and how we're embracing them.
Stream Processing at Large
Rapidly moving data at scale.
Building Security Infrastructure
How our industry is being attacked and what you can do about it.
Wednesday, 28 June
Next Gen APIs: Designs, Protocols, and Evolution
Practical deep-dives into public and internal API design, tooling and techniques for evolving them, and binary and graph-based protocols.
Immutable Infrastructures: Orchestration, Serverless, and More
What's next in infrastructure. How cloud function like lambda are making their way into production.
Machine Learning 2.0
Machine Learning 2.0, Deep Learning & Deep Learning Datasets.
Modern CS in the Real World
Applied, practical, & real-world dive into industry adoption of modern CS.
Optimizing Yourself
Maximizing your impact as an engineer, as a leader, and as a person.
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