Track: Microservices: Patterns & Practices

Location: Broadway Ballroom North Center, 6th fl.

Day of week: Monday

This track explores the real-world patterns and practices of microservices. We will talk about the problems microservices solve and what problems they introduce. We will talk about the monoliths we came from and the architectures we are evolving to. We will talk about the architectural techniques, the organizational practices, and the development methodologies that make microservices successful.

Track Host:
Randy Shoup
VP Engineering at StitchFix, Previously @Google & @Ebay

Randy is a 25-year veteran of Silicon Valley, and has worked as a senior technology leader and executive at companies ranging from small startups, to mid-sized places, to eBay and Google. Randy is currently VP Engineering at Stitch Fix in San Francisco. He is particularly passionate about the nexus of culture, technology, and organization.

10:35am - 11:25am

by Randy Shoup
VP Engineering at StitchFix, Previously @Google & @Ebay

This session is about the hard stuff -- managing data in microservices -- and about sharing proven patterns that have been successful at Google, eBay, and Stitch Fix. It begins with a quick tour of some prerequisites for being successful with microservices -- an organization of small teams with well-defined areas of responsibility; processes for test-driven development and continuous delivery; and a DevOps culture of "You Build It, You Run It."

The majority of the session is spent on...

11:50am - 12:40pm

by Yunong Xiao
Principal Software Engineer @Netflix

Traditionally, a tug of war has existed between service reliability and engineering velocity. Increasing speed to fuel product innovation has meant making tradeoffs in reliability.

Netflix standardizes common functionality, like service discovery, configuration, metrics, logging, and RPC across services. This frees teams to focus on the unique business value of their service. It also enables us to evolve and maintain platform components independently from individual services.


1:40pm - 2:30pm

by Franklin Angulo
Director of Engineering @ Squarespace

In this presentation, Franklin Angulo, will go through our company's journey from a monolith architecture to a microservices architecture. We will share our learnings throughout this process, including what our engineers found most useful in a microservice framework, the different open source technologies utilized in the service client (Ribbon, Hystrix) and service core (Spring Boot), integration points with service discovery (Consul), time-series databases (Graphite), log aggregation...

2:55pm - 3:45pm

by Andrew Hart
Platform Director, "SeatGeek Open"​ @SeatGeek

Discussion of microservice architectures often emphasizes the transition from monolith to microservices. No less important, though, is the strategy for successfully evolving a microservice-based architecture over time. Change is inevitable, and assumptions made when microservice boundaries were initially drafted may no longer hold. Since changes at this stage often have real consequences, preventing architectural drift and the associated disorganization of services and responsibilities...

4:10pm - 5:00pm

by Susanne Kaiser
CTO @JustSocialApps

Splitting our organization into multiple, smaller teams and dividing our collaboration solution JUST SOCIAL into single smaller apps were the driving force at our startup to trigger the transformation of our monolithic software architecture into Microservices. During this talk I would like to share some experiences and challenges we faced and still face during our Microservices journey.

5:25pm - 6:15pm

Open Space
7:00pm - 9:00pm

by John Langford
Leading Machine Learning Researcher, Vowpal Wabbit Contributor

by Matt Adereth
Managing Director @TwoSigma

by Gwen Shapira
System Architect @Confluent, PMC Member @Kafka, & Committer Apache Sqoop


Monday, 26 June

Tuesday, 27 June

Wednesday, 28 June