
Functional programming on the frontend with Facebook React

Functional programming on the frontend with Facebook React

Wednesday, 11:55am - 12:45pm

Facebook React is making headlines in the Javascript world for the simplicity with which it lets one build complicated browser components.


In this talk we will livecode a dynamic CRUD form editor, highlighting React's application of functional programming and immutability to manage complex application state.


The demo will leverage form widgets from KendoUI, demonstrating that React is compatible with codebases that were not designed with React in mind.


Material from the presentation:

React workshop repository - Speaker's NotesWingspan's Repositories on Github

Daniel.Miladinov's picture
Daniel Miladinov is a software engineer at Wingspan Technology, where he has been working with React since it was released in 2013. Wingspan is a Philadelphia-area software company specializing in web-based enterprise applications for regulated industries. Daniel is passionate about functional programming,clean code and software craftsmanship. He has contributed to the JSHint and Facebook React projects. @MiladinovDaniel
Dustin.Getz's picture
Dustin Getz is a software engineer at Wingspan Technology, where he has been working with React since it was released in 2013. Wingspan is a Philadelphia-area software company specializing in web-based enterprise applications for regulated industries. Dustin believes functional programming is going to change the world, and can’t decide what his favorite language is. @dustingetz