
Java Unconference

Grand Ballroom - Salon A/B

Meeting each other in the context of conversations we care about is why at QCon we are giving prime time to the unconference format; it creates a space for peer-to-peer learning, collaboration and creativity.

First we’ll father in a circle to be guided through creating an agenda using open space technology. Then there will be three three 20 minute time slots, each with 5 concurrent break out discussions that were designed by you.

Attendees often know more than the speakers! Bring your questions, ideas - be prepared to be surprised.

Dio Synodinos's picture
Dio Synodinos is the research platform team lead at C4Media and a freelance consultant, focusing on rich Internet applications, web application security, mobile web, and web services. He's also the lead editor for HTML5 and JavaScript for InfoQ, where he also regularly writes about the JVM platform. He's also the author of Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns by Apress and The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design by friendsofED. Going back and forth between server-side programming and UI design for more than a decade, he has been involved in diverse software projects and contributed to different technical publications.