
Designing for Engagement

Grand Ballroom - Salon F

With so many apps in the app store, what can you be thinking about to get and keep people interested in your app? Having a great concept is just the beginning. How much thinking goes into the personality and tone of your app? What about writing the error messages, alerts, calls-to-action, app descriptions or release notes?
Whether you have an app concept yet to be built, or an app that's been out for a while, Jaimee wants to share some very important considerations in on-boarding, design and copywriting to help your apps become more fun, delightful and engaging experiences for your users.

Jaimee Newberry's picture
Jaimee. With two E's, if you please. Jaimee brings a buffet of background to her role as Director of Experience Design at Black Pixel. Since earning her BFA in metal sculpture a super long time ago she's done all sorts of things like work as a GUI designer and information architect in the web start-up days, teach management information systems, graphic and interface design at UNLV, partner in an animation/interactive shop called eatdrink, and lead the efforts behind the first iPad, iPhone and Android apps for Zappos in 2010/2011. She was even a seasonal park ranger once. A recovering Dr. Pepper addict, Jaimee brings oodles of passion for Mobile experience design and human interaction.