
OSGi Provisioning Deep Dive and Demo (Subsystems, Repository, Contracts and more)

OSGi Provisioning Deep Dive and Demo (Subsystems, Repository, Contracts and more)

Wednesday, 5:30pm - 6:20pm

Experience level: Intermediate This presentation takes a closer look at deploying OSGi-based applications using OSGi Subsystems and OSGi Repositories. You will see how you to package multi-bundle applications as a subsystem, deploy them and use repositories to handle dependencies. Additionally the talk explains the need for OSGi Contracts, especially in the context of APIs such as Servlets or other JavaEE APIs. A large part of the presentation is a demo that shows subsystems and repositories in action using open source technology.

David.Bosschaert's picture
David Bosschaert works for Adobe Research and Development. He spends the much of his time on technology relating to OSGi in Apache and other open source projects. He is also co-chair of the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group and an active participant in the OSGi Cloud efforts. Before joining Adobe, David worked for Red Hat/JBoss and IONA Technologies in Dublin, Ireland. @davidbosschaert